Green River Holding Co. Ltd.
When was Green River Listed?
Green River shares were listed on the Taipei Exchange (TPEx) on October 27, 2015
What is Green River’s fiscal year?
Green River Group adopts the Calendar Year account period. Our fiscal year-end is December 31.
When does Green River disclose monthly revenue?
According to the relevant securities regulations, the Company discloses the operating status of the previous month, before the 10th of each month.
What is the Green River stock code and the code on Bloomberg and Reuters?
The code is 8444.
The stock code on Bloomberg and Reuter is 8444:TT and 8444.TW.
What is Green RIver’s historical dividend pay out?
To view Green River’s dividend history, please click here
How to participate in dividend issuance?
A shareholder must own Green River’s shares through the day before the ex-dividend date to be entitled to the proposed dividend payment.
Whom may you contact for Green River’s shareholder services?
If you have any questions concerning our shareholder service, please contact here